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Editor's Picks

Jesse Cohen
2 Dividend Stocks to Help You Beat the Market in 2023 By Jesse Cohen - Jan 27, 2023 6

Uncertainty over the Federal Reserve’s monetary tightening plans and persistently high inflation continue to impact investor sentiment. I remain optimistic about companies with strong...

Barani Krishnan
Coffee Steaming Again After 4 Months in the Cold By Barani Krishnan - Jan 27, 2023 14

Arabica hit a 3-week high after the 20-month bottom of $1.42 a lb on Jan. 11 Production in top coffee grower Brazil is overrated, say analysts Trader Volcafe says world expected to face 3rd straight...

Francesco Casarella
How ‘Permabears’ Make Money by Selling Fear By Francesco Casarella - Jan 26, 2023 46

Some permabears will predict doom and gloom every year Eventually, they will be proven right But as investors, we shouldn't pay heed to these permabears as they are generally wrong It's Jan. 5, 2021,...

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