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Scandal In Chile Threatens Lithium Supply By Wall Street Daily - Jul 16, 2015

What is it with South American countries and corporate scandals?First, it was Brazil and the still-expanding improprieties surrounding Petroleo Brasileiro Petrobras SA (NYSE:PBR). Now, the spotlight...

Oil Kingdom Becoming Solar Powerhouse By Wall Street Daily - Jul 15, 2015

“I believe solar will be even more economic than fossil fuels.”That’s probably a quote from the head of some environmental group, right? Nope! It’s a quote from Ali Al-Naimi,...

Shareholder Distributions Appear Unsustainable By Wall Street Daily - Jul 15, 2015

Shareholder distributions come in two varieties: stock buybacks and dividends.Both are important. Our purpose here is not to debate whether one form of capital management is superior to the other. We...

Chinese Selloff Contributes To Commodities Rout By Wall Street Daily - Jul 13, 2015

The bear market in China is roaring.Since the bull market peaked on June 12, the Shanghai Composite has tumbled over 30%. This is the worst three-week posting for the index since 1992. Nearly $2.5...

Avoid These Pricy Dividend Stocks By Wall Street Daily - Jul 12, 2015

Dividend Aristocrats – those companies that have increased their dividends for 25 or more years consecutively – seem ideal for the income investor. After all, their combination of reliable...

Xiaomi’s 3-Step Plan For Mobile Dominance By Wall Street Daily - Jul 10, 2015

There’s a new consumer electronics giant… and I’ll bet most Americans have never heard of it.That’s rapidly changing, though, as the company expands its footprint across Asia...

Supreme Court Reignites Coal Industry By Wall Street Daily - Jul 08, 2015

The U.S. coal industry breathed a sigh of relief this week after the Supreme Court blocked President Obama’s proposed limits on mercury emissions from power plants under the Clean Air Act.The...

Shale Revolution Accelerates Chemicals Industry By Wall Street Daily - Jul 05, 2015

It certainly is a good time for the $800-billion U.S. chemicals industry.According to the American Chemistry Council (ACC), U.S. chemical production will continue to expand this year and next. The ACC...

The Fed’s Easy-Money Era By Wall Street Daily - Jul 02, 2015

Is there any hope for a change in U.S. monetary policy as a result of the 2016 federal elections?The Federal Reserve has been locked into a zero-interest rate policy (ZIRP) for nearly seven years, and...

End Of Iran Sanctions Begets Natural Gas Glut By Wall Street Daily - Jun 29, 2015

In April, I told readers about how the removal of economic sanctions on Iran would unleash a flood of oil onto an already oversupplied market.Well, an even greater glut may be on tap for natural...

Greeks Fall Victim To A Fantasy Government By Wall Street Daily - Jun 29, 2015

Greek leadership has finally put forth another proposal to solve the country’s fiscal problems. The latest effort to meet targets set by EU officials includes tax increases, but no meaningful...

A Surprisingly Simple Strategy To Negate Loss By Wall Street Daily - Jun 28, 2015

“Frankly, 99% of retail investors out there are acting like complete morons.”So says Jonathan Rodriguez, Wall Street Daily’s Senior Analyst and a renowned pattern-trading...

7 Semis Set To Be Bought Out By Louis Basenese - Jun 24, 2015

As I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, the tech sector saw a record level of M&A activity in May.But the frenzy isn’t over yet. FBR & Co. analyst, Christopher Rolland, reveals, “At...

Fed Creating Dividend-Stock Valuation Extreme By Alan Gula - Jun 22, 2015

On Wednesday, a journalist asked Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen an important question: Could she give any assurances to savers who think the Fed is never going to raise short-term interest...

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