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Tandem Capital Tandem Capital

Tandem Capital is well- established, privately owned investment house that specializes in global portfolio management. Our motto, "your gateway to global
markets" is grounded on our being Israel's leading firm in managing global investments. Tandem Capital's unique approach is to provide a personal and
quality relationship to our customers. Our experienced staff of financial professionals specializes in the analysis of global markets.

The expertise and experience of our investment management team has attracted many leading international firms and led them to choose Tandem Capital to act as their exclusive agent in Israel, or to enter into cooperation agreements.
Among these include: ING, Oyster 3a, Platinum Capital Mangemant,
I.A.M, UBS and Merrill Lynch.
These strategic relationships provide our expert staff with leading- edge analytical tools, allowing us to make better investment recommendations on
global markets.

The in- depth analysis and personal familiarity with international markets
make Tandem Capital unique among investment management firms in Israel.
In addition, our staff of experts has developed an "open Architecture" portfolio
optimization model. This optimization system is unique to the firm and supports
our Investment Committee. The Investment Committee is composed of our
senior managers and meets weekly.

Tandem Capital provides a broad range of financial services that are individually
tailored to each client based on his/her on needs, goals and risk profile. As
part of this personalization of portfoilo management, Tanden Capital offers its clients the choice of managing their accounts with either Israel banks or oversees banks.

Tandem Capital is an asset management company specializing in portfolio management and the marketing of investments. In accordance with the 1995 law , the firm does not act as a financial advisor. The firm is affiliated with the following institutions; UBS, Platinum Funds, MAN Investments, Merril Lynch, ING, Oyster, 3A, Jefferies, Carmigniac, Mizrahi Bank, Bank Leumi, Bank Hapoalim and First International Bank. Tandem Capital markets financial assets and instruments from these institutions, from which it receives a commission if a product is sold to a client. Tandem may prefer financial assets and instruments from the aforementioned firms over instruments and assets of similar characteristics from financial institutions that have no affiliation with Tandem Capital.
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