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There are all sorts of positive fundamentals when it comes to the price of gold. There are the positive supply/demand fundamentals. The gold market is in a supply deficit. Mine reserves are at a...
The World Economic Forum consistently ranks Canada’s banks among the world’s safest. Competent regulators have overseen stress tests, tightened lending standards and delinquency rates are...
Disaster is nearly upon us. This has been a regular theme in these commentaries for several years. Increasingly, however, these warnings draw reactions of apathy rather than alarm. The fact that our...
The War on Cash is not merely continuing, it is intensifying. It began in the West, with relatively minor infringements on our right to use the currency of our own nation . The War has now shifted to...
Is 2017 even real? What kind of weird, fantastical twilight zone have we entered into? The world has been turned upside down and I will continue to point out the bizarre and unusual things that...
It is both one of the greatest contradictions and greatest frauds in the entire realm of markets: the U.S. interest rate contradiction. The facts are these. At the end of 2008; the Federal Reserve...