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Interview with Chris Capre on March 25, 2012
2ndSkiesForex which is designed to help traders become profitable.
I specialize in trading Price Action, particularly forex price action strategies. I also am one of the leading experts in Ichimoku Cloud trading.
I trade white box – as in I have algorithms which alert me of quantitative price action setups which I then confirm and then make the trade. I have a few rule-based discretionary systems, but most of my trading is white box.
Some call the Ichimoku Cloud a technical indicator, but when one fully understands it completely, they realize it is more than an indicator but an entire method for trading the markets. Unfortunately there is very little information out there on the Ichimoku Cloud in the English language and the books that have been done are what I would say ‘sub-standard’ leaving out huge portions of Ichimoku theory.
Once I complete my book called, ‘Trading Price Action’ I would like to do an extensive book on Ichimoku Cloud trading which far surpasses anything that is currently out there.
I get up at the same time every day (06.30am), shower, then practice yoga and meditation before I do anything for the day. This sets the energy for my entire day in how I relate to and approach everything – from the clearest and healthiest state of being I can be in. Once I have done my morning practice, only then do I approach the markets.
I offer a Forex Price Action Course, an advanced course on Ichimoku Cloud trading, and I have the Pro Forex Course. All of them have helped to build some really profitable and successful traders. One of my top traders did over 110% for all of 2011 when hedge funds, mutual funds and currency funds were almost entirely down on the year. Every week and month my courses turn another trader profitable.
Training Traders
Get a mentor, someone who when you listen to them speak and what they say, it makes sense and connects well with you. One who you like their style of teaching and the way they explain things. Find that person and train with them diligently.
All highly skilled professionals work with a coach or mentor. Tom Brady, one of the best quarterbacks and future hall of famer, has a throwing coach, even after all these years and is constantly working to improve his mechanics because he realizes there will be things he cannot see and does not know about his performance, playing and technique.
Those who train diligently, are disciplined in their trading, & learn how to properly manage risk put themselves in the greatest position to succeed in trading. Nothing could be more important than those three things.
Traders can come to my website ( and check out the library of free articles and videos on forex price action and ichimoku trading. They can also join my facebook page ( where I share all kinds of articles and trade setups in the market.