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Online Trading Academy Online Trading Academy

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Price:$ 49.95

Adaptation is the name of the game in long term trading success. Join Fernando Gonzalez and Mike Mc Mahon in a key educational CD that will show you how to analyze the big picture of the market and how to continually adapt yourself and your trading to it.


Broad Market Analysis With Fernando Gonzalez and Mike Mc Mahon - Trends, Behaviors and Timing
All of us want to be successful in trading. But have we really ever defined what successful trading is? It has to be something more than just "to make lots money." After a long period of time, we discover that traders go through periods of successes and failures, just like most other things in life. However, what ultimately defines our success is how we manage this series of successes and failures, which are inevitable, over a long period of time.

Active traders look at stocks on the day-to-day basis. What often occurs is that they develop a tunnel vision into a very small time frame and lose sight of the trends that are going on in the big picture.

All of us traders, regardless of trading style must be in tune with the trends that occur above us. The daily charts move all over but how do they fit into the big picture when viewed on larger time horizon? These larger trends will inevitably affect all traders, and if we are unprepared, it may too late before we begin the process of adaptation … that\'s the name of the game, remember? Adaptation.

A complete trader will look at the forest, not just the trees.

This course will teach you how to properly analyze the big picture of the market. Broad Market Analysis is Key to understanding short term , intermediate and certainly long term positions - whether it be in equities, indices, ETF\'s or Forex.

You will learn in Part I about:

The 2 Major Trend Classes: - Trend in other TIME FRAMES - And Trends in RELATED MARKETS All Trends, regardless of direction, speed, character, behavior or environment, are only PART of a Larger Trend How Indices (such as the Nasdaq-100, the DOW, the S&P500 or even sector Indices like the Financials and Semiconductors) will summarize these trends and behaviors for most of the stocks they represent Categorizing the Time Frames How to "zoom in" to the smaller Time Frames Lateral Analysis in Index Trading How to compare the different Environments, Direction, Speed and Magnitude looking for Relative Strength or Weakness across the different Industry Groups Impulsions and Corrections Sector Rotation Decoys, Broadening formations And much, much more…
Course Information Skill Level: Beginner Media Type: CD
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