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Commodities Analysis & Opinion

Adam Hamilton
Gold Mid-Tiers’ Q2’23 Fundamentals By Adam Hamilton - Aug 25, 2023

The mid-tier and junior gold miners just finished reporting their latest quarterly results last week. These fundamentally superior smaller producers are in the sweet spot for upside potential in major...

Phil Flynn
The Energy Report: It’s a Shame By Phil Flynn - Aug 25, 2023 6

The oil market is higher even as the Biden administration admits what oil traders have known all along, that they are allowing Iran to sell oil and have ignored sanctions. Bloomberg News reported the...

Chris Kimble
Silver Could Skyrocket After 15-Year Pennant Breakout By Chris Kimble - Aug 25, 2023 7

Precious metals have been a bit boring of late due to some sideways trading. But that boredom may come to an abrupt end shortly.Today’s chart takes a long-term view of Silver, highlighting a...

Phil Flynn
The Energy Report: The Diesel Gap By Phil Flynn - Aug 24, 2023 5

Oil prices had a rough go on reports that the White House, desperate to fill a growing diesel supply gap by lifting sanction on their favorite South American dictator, Nicolás Maduro the...

Stewart Thomson
Gold Stocks & a 100 Yard Dash By Stewart Thomson - Aug 22, 2023 2

The progressive movement (restoration of gold as the money of the world) has been hijacked, and pretenders to the gold money throne now claim that fiat credits, massive debt, rampant destruction of...

Phil Flynn
The Energy Report: Fade To Black By Phil Flynn - Aug 22, 2023 11

Policies matter. Government spending matters and an ill-conceived, short-sighted, politically motivated energy transition hurts the economy and is a major factor in increasing inflation. Demonizing...

Phil Flynn
The Energy Report: Storm Out Front By Phil Flynn - Aug 21, 2023 3

Crude Oil prices are rising as a global supply squeeze seems to be offsetting concerns about China and their less-than-expected rate cut to shore off what some say is their cratering economy. Yet the...

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