Friday's trading session continued the correction which began on Thursday, and indices closed the trading week mainly in the red zone. The Dow Jones Composite lost 0,89% and was closed on the level of 16026,75 points, the S&P 500 decreased by 0,95% to the level of 1815,69 points and Nasdaq lost 0,34%, falling to the level of 3999,73 points.
The question in relation to the current situation in Ukraine is again under investors attention, and is resulting in nervousness on the markets. Over the weekend, the situation did not change and the present authorities of the country are ready to perform a full-scale military operation on the suppression of the restless regions in the southeast of the country. A special session of the UN Security Council, called at the initiative of the Russian Federation, did not bring any positive results as the participants could not come to an agreement.
As a result, prices of oil are continuing to grow this morning, adding 0,85% on Brent, and 0,81% on WTI, traded on $108,31 and $103,45 per barrel accordingly. Precious metals are also traded positively, Gold adds 0,59% traded on a level of $1326,74 per troy ounce and Silver is growing by 0,54% bargaining next to the level of $20,05 per troy ounce.
One more interesting event which occurred over the weekend was the meeting of the head of the ECB, Mario Draghi, and governing bodies of the IMF and WB, which took place on Saturday. The main subject that was discussed was the risk of a deflation in the EU, mainly due to the growth of the exchange rate of the Euro. It was declared that in order to decrease that, changes in monetary policy of the regulator will be required.
Thus, verbal interventions which are urged to contain the Euro's growth still continue, but, of course, if the currency pair will reach the level of 1,40, a decrease in interest rates in the region will be inevitable. As a result of this information, the EUR/USD currency pair has opened the trading week with a gap down, and at this moment is traded on the level of 1,3851.