Good morning – today is SEIRES S3H NORMAL and the SPILL is DOWN..I the best laid plans of Mice and Men, I normally would be focused on the larger picture today. As is, my internet carrier, Brighthouse had other plans ..My apologies for the late commentary and lack of larger picture summary and WHAT NEXT..It will be in your box TOMORROW , fingers crossed Bright House.. Suffice to say, you may want to save the commentary TOMORROW as I believe we are in a critical place as to both price and time (Ap. 26-May 9)….
Friday was a textbook S4H WEDGE ZOOM..the NORMAL was DOA on the BREAK OF THE SPILL LOW..The guidance on pre-identifications was tip top all the way to the bitter end at 4:15 as the last hour high proved to be WEAK on two fronts.: NO TAG of 87/88 with hgh at 86.75 (nice exit Mark -smiling) , and the last hour was lower than the A.M. HIGH ..will not bore you with the real time posts BUT imo it is worthwhile to look at and SAVE a sub 5 min. Chart of Friday and file under ‘this is a WEDGE ZOOM…