Just to get it out of the way, Bitcoin finally did what would have seemed unfathomable just a few months ago, which is push past the $50,000 mark.
As I’ve mentioned, my initial foray into crypto was met with success, but for now I have exited stage left with my profits and am waiting for a potential softening (perhaps even a meaningful one) before re-entry.
Those of you who read ZeroHedge know that at the top of their site are three articles from contributors. It was striking to me this weekend that all three – every single article!! – was about the Huge Short Squeeze in silver that was going to take place. Well, top-tick Tyler did it again.
Naturally, gold (motto: “The Only Losing Asset Since August 2020“) was featured.
Equities, of course, keep marching forward. Here is the NASDAQ Composite so far this month.
As we approach the market open, though, it is starting to look somewhat wobbly!