“Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there.” ~Will Rogers
A large gap lower to open the day that was erased by the end of the day.
Dips remain to be bought.
All the large gap did was scare out traders who fail to realize this and that is their own issue.
It is a bull market!
Stocks remain very strong in the case of leaders and I’m riding it for all it’s worth and also playing a few options here and there when days like today present themselves.
Gold had a huge day today after I mentioned last night in this full letter that gold looked ok now all of a sudden.
I’m still not too sure what to make of the gold move since we’ve seen this wild volatility just last week and it may well not hold overnight.
I rather play in a safer arena that can still move fast, but much more predictably.
S&P 500 bounced right off 204 support and moved higher all day although it did lag the QQQ and IWM
I told real-time members that SPY and BABA calls looked good off lows and many did very well in those.
I took some weekly 206 calls later in the day at $1.07 and sold half at $1.27 or so at the close.
Let’s see what the rest can do but closing back above 206 is so, so bullish.
208 is next and then a breakout higher from what the chart is telling me thins evening.