ValuEngine tracks more than 7000 US equities, ADRs, and foreign stock which trade on US exchanges as well as 1000 Canadian equities. When EPS estimates are available for a given equity, our model calculates a level of mispricing or valuation percentage for that equity based on earnings estimates and what the stock should be worth if the market were totally rational and efficient--an academic exercise to be sure, but one which allows for useful comparisons between equities, sectors, and industries. Using our Valuation Model, we can currently assign a VE valuation calculation to more than 2800 stocks in our US Universe.
We also use trading data to provide forecast estimates for a variety of time horizons for almost ever equity in our database. Our Buy/Sell/Hold recommendations are based upon the 1-year forecast return figure. Using valuation and forecast figures, you can rank and rate our covered stocks against each other, to find out, in an objective and systematic way, the most attractive investment targets based on your own risk/reward parameters. We re-calculate the entire database every trading day, so you are assured that every proprietary valuation and forecast datapoint is as up-to-date as possible.
We can use our data to track individual stocks, industries, sectors, and indices. For today's bulletin, we present key metrics for the top picks in the Nasdaq 100. The companies listed below represent the top-ten BUY and STRONG BUY stocks within the index. They are presented below according to their one-month forecast target prices.
We don't have much change among our leaders since the last time we presented the top NASDAQ picks earlier this month.. Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) just makes it into the top ten and replaces Facebook (NASDAQ:FB) in doing so. Applied Materials (NASDAQ:AMAT) retains the number one spot-- with Broadcom (NASDAQ:AVGO) and LAM Research (NASDAQ:LRCX) retaining their thrid and fifth-place positions respectively. Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) shoots up into the number two position with CA Inc (NASDAQ:CA) and Cisco Systems (NASDAQ:CSCO) moving up two spots each. What goes up must come down of course, and this week we see NetEase (NASDAQ:NTES), Amgen (NASDAQ:AMGN), and Citrix (NASDAQ:CTXS) declining a few spots each. As is to be expected with the NASDAQ, once again, the list is dominated by tech companies.
NOTE: New stocks are in BOLD, old stocks that have moved up the list are in GREEN, old stocks that have declined in position are in RED, and stocks which have retained their position are in CAPS.
Below is today's data on Computer Associates (NASDAQ:CA):
Computer Associates International is one of the world's largest information technology management software companies, unifies and simplifies the management of enterprise-wide IT. The Company's software and expertise unify and simplify complex IT environments in a secure way across the enterprise for greater business results.
VALUENGINE RECOMMENDATION: ValuEngine continues its BUY recommendation on CA INC for 2016-06-29. Based on the information we have gathered and our resulting research, we feel that CA INC has the probability to OUTPERFORM average market performance for the next year. The company exhibits ATTRACTIVE Company Size and Momentum.