HIGH: 2074.5 in Globex; 2073.00 Day Session
LOW: 2057.25
LAST: 2069.00 +16 Handles
TOTAL vOLUME: 2.2mil minis, and 7k bigs traded in the pit.
MOC: MiM showed $212 for sale early, then flipped to actual BUY $735mil SPX
For Next Week:
18 separate economic releases, 9 t-bill or t-bond auctions and announcements, a 2 day FED meeting, and U.S. GDP.
First off, all I gotta say is S&P 500 2150-2200 is on tap.
PPT/FED induced rally…Its amazing how much leverage they have when they want to put money back to work.
MTS objectives:
2045-2085-2120…If you want to know where the S&P is going, just follow the money!