STOCKHOLM August 25(Reuters) - Sweden's center-left opposition parties - the Social Democrats, Green and Left parties - hold a solid lead ahead of next month's election but it has narrowed over the last month to 48.8 percent of votes if the election were held now, an opinion poll showed on Monday.
The Novus poll of polls for Swedish radio showed support for the opposition down 0.9 percentage from the previous survey at the end of June, while backing for the incumbent government rose by 0.7 percentage points.
Support for Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt's minority, center-right Alliance government was at 37.6 percent in the poll.
The current government is made up of the Moderates, Centre, Christian Democrat and Liberal parties.
The Sweden Democrats would win 10 percent of votes, according to the poll, while other small parties and undecided voters accounted for the remaining votes.
The election is scheduled for Sept. 14.
The following is a table of opinion poll results:
Bloc standings: Red-Green opposition Government parties
Ekot/Novus 24/8/14 48.8 37.6
Sifo 22/8/14 48.7 38.0
Ipsos 20/8/14 50.4 35.6
Sifo 16/8/14 49.3 38.5
Sifo 9/8/14 48.7 38.9
Novus 7/8/14 49.0 38.5
Ekot/Novus 30/6/14 49.7 36.9
Ipsos 28/6/14 49.8 35.6
Novus 28/6/14 50.1 38.0
Sifo 15/6/14 48.8 37.0
Ipsos 30/5/14 50.2 37.2
Novus 29/5/14 50.8 38.4
SCB 27/5/14 51.3 36.8
Sifo 18/5/14 48.5 38.7
Skop 02/5/14 52.0 38.4
Ekot/Novus 01/5/14 51.9 37.3
Ipsos 30/4/14 52.5 36.6
Novus 24/4/14 51.9 36.7
Sifo 14/4/14 51.1 38.6
Ipsos 28/3/14 51.5 38.2
Sifo 16/3/14 50.5 39.0
Demoskop 07/3/14 53.7 34.6
Skop 05/3/14 51.7 38.3
Ekot/Novus 02/3/14 52.1 37.4
Ipsos 01/3/14 52.0 37.8
Novus 27/2/14 51.4 38.4
Sifo 16/2/14 52.8 36.0
Novus 30/1/14 51.1 36.6
Sifo 25/1/14 50.6 38.9
UM 13/1/13 49.8 37.9
2010 election 43.6 49.3
Individual party standings:
24/8/14 Novus 30.8 10.9 7.1 22.9 6.2 4.5 4.0 10.0 2.9
22/8/14 Sifo 30.9 10.3 7.5 22.2 6.0 5.5 4.3 10.1 2.3
20/8/14 Ipsos 31.8 11.6 7.0 20.8 6.5 4.0 4.3 9.4 3.4
16/8/14 Sifo 30.3 11.1 7.9 24.6 6.7 3.8 3.4 10.1 2.0
9/8/14 Sifo 30.7 11.4 6.6 23.9 6.1 4.6 4.3 9.0 2.6
7/8/14 Novus 31.8 9.9 7.3 22.4 6.1 5.8 4.2 8.8 2.6
30/6/14 Ekot/Novus 30.8 12.0 6.9 21.1 6.6 5.5 3.7 9.0 3.3
28/6/14 Ipsos 31.1 11.3 7.4 20.5 6.3 5.6 3.3 9.6 3.7
28/6/14 Novus 32.1 11.3 6.7 21.2 6.8 5.6 4.4 8.3 2.9
15/6/14 Sifo 29.4 13.0 6.4 21.2 6.8 5.5 3.5 9.0 3.4
30/5/14 Ipsos 31.3 10.2 8.7 22.6 5.8 4.3 4.5 7.8 3.9
29/5/14 Novus 32.4 10.1 8.3 24.3 6.0 3.9 4.2 7.7 2.1
27/5/14 SCB 35.3 8.0 8.0 22.7 5.3 4,9 3.9 8.1 2.5
18/5/14 Sifo 30.9 10.3 7.3 23.2 7.0 5.0 3.5 8.8 2.9
02/5/14 Skop 34.9 10.7 6.4 23.4 7.8 4.5 2.7 7.3
01/5/14 Ekot/Novus 32.9 10.4 8.6 24.3 5.8 3.8 3.4 8.2
30/4/14 Ipsos 33.1 9.9 9.4 24.6 5.4 3.6 3.0 7.6
24/4/14 Novus 33.5 10.8 7.6 23.7 5.4 4.0 3.6 8.8
14/4/14 Sifo 32.1 10.6 8.4 24.5 6.7 3.8 3.6 8.3
28/3/14 Ipsos 33.5 10.4 7.6 23.6 6.9 4.1 3.7 7.8
16/3/14 Sifo 34.1 10.1 6.3 24.2 5.4 4.7 4.7 8.0
07/3/14 Demoskop 32.7 12.5 8.4 22.6 5.1 3.6 3.3 10.0
05/3/14 Skop 33.8 9.9 8.0 26.5 4.6 4.1 3.1 8.2
02/3/14 Ekot/Novus 34.5 9.5 8.1 24.4 5.8 3.5 3.7 8.7
01/3/14 Ipsos 35.1 9.0 7.9 24.7 6.0 3.5 3.5 7.9
27/2/14 Novus 33.3 9.7 8.4 25.7 4.7 4.2 3.8 8.7
16/2/14 Sifo 34.9 9.7 8.2 22.8 6.7 2.8 3.7 9.5
30/1/14 Novus 33.8 9.2 8.1 24.5 5.1 3.5 3.5 11.0
25/1/14 Sifo 32.9 9.4 8.3 25.4 6.5 3.7 3.3 9.2
2010 election: 30.7 7.3 5.6 30.1 7.1 6.6 5.6 5.7
Parties need a minimum of 4 percent of votes to get seats in parliament
SDP = Social Democrats, lead center-left opposition bloc G = Green Party, environmentalist allies of the SDP L = Left Party, former Communist Party, allies of SDP M = Moderates, largest in ruling center-right coalition F = Folk Liberals, junior member of coalition government C = Centre, junior member of coalition government CD = Christian Democrats, smallest in governing Alliance SD = The Swedish Democrats, far-right, anti-immigrant, unaligned to either center-left or center-right blocs Fi = The Feminist Initiative, left-wing
(Reporting by Johan Sennero; Editing by Simon Johnson and Susan Fenton)