LONDON, April 8 (Reuters) - News, details on corporate bond issues in the European markets on Thursday:
Mandate: The Czech utility plans a long-dated euro-denominated benchmark bond, said an official at one of the banks managing the sale.
Managing banks: BayernLB, Erste Group, HSBC, SG CIB and UniCredit
Ratings: Moody's A2, S&P A-, Fitch A-
Mandate: The financing arm of French carmaker Renault plans to issue a fixed-rated benchmark euro bond to mature in July 2012, said IFR Markets, a Thomson Reuters online news and market analysis service.
Managing banks: BBVA, Natixis and SG CIB
Ratings: Moody's Baa2, S&P BBB-
Issue: The Spanish savings bank plans to issue a five-year benchmark euro senior bond, backed by a government guarantee, IFR reported.
Guidance: mid-swaps plus 85 basis points area
Managing banks: BBVA, Caja Madrid, Credit Agricole CIB and UBS (Editing by Jon Loades-Carter)