- The United Nations shipping regulator formally adopts the industry's first global emissions target, with a plan to cut greenhouse gas emissions by at least 50% by 2050 - which will require the industry to completely redesign their fleets around new types of fuel.
- To reach a 50% cut in emissions by 2050 from 2008 levels, shipping groups say heavy investment in new fuel types will and that marginal improvements in efficiency will not be enough.
- Lots of research and investment into new propulsion technologies will be necessary, says Maersk's (OTCPK:AMKAF, OTCPK:AMKBF) head of sustainability, noting that “the technologies are there but they are far too expensive. We don’t have them at scale.”
- International Maritime Organization rules targeting air pollution also will cut the maximum amount of sulfur emissions that ships worldwide can burn to 0.5% of fuel content by 2020 from 3.5% currently, which Wood Mackenzie says will raise global shipping fuel costs by 25%, or $24B, in 2020.
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- Now read: The Case For Golden Ocean
Original article