If you're looking for stocks that have a higher potential for outperformance in the months ahead, our POWR Ratings service has you covered. Stocks that were recently upgraded to Strong Buys such as Dover (NYSE:DOV), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), and Movado Group (NYSE:MOV) are heading in the right direction. Read more to learn why these stocks are primed for strong performance.The POWR Ratings are in. If you look at the latest POWR Ratings upgrades, you will find that surprisingly few have been bumped up Strong Buys. Our POWR Ratings system is based on 118 different factors that gauge a stock's potential for future performance. That's why it's important to focus on Strong Buys and Buys.
Savvy investors can continue to make money by carefully selecting individual stocks that exhibit future growth potential. If you do your homework and perform extensive research before buying and selling, you can still make money in any market environment.
Below, we provide a look at three stocks that were recently upgraded in the POWR Ratings system: Dover (DOV), Johnson & Johnson (JNJ), and Movado Group (MOV).