Investors can use our proprietary POWR Ratings to help gauge whether they should consider buying a stock or selling a stock. A stock with a Strong Buy or Buy rating is indicative of a strong company, while a Strong Sell or Sell rating means investors should avoid. That's why investors should not invest in recently downgraded stocks such as Hawaiian Holdings (NASDAQ:HA), Luokung Technology (LKCO), Remark Media (NASDAQ:MARK), and Snap (NYSE:SNAP).The POWR Ratings have been calculated once again. Take a look at the latest POWR Ratings, and you will find about half a dozen stocks have been downgraded to Strong Sells. Plus, plenty of others have also been downgraded to Sell ratings.
The number of stocks downgraded to Sell, or Strong Sell is certainly concerning. However, it appears as though the United States economy will fully reopen in the months ahead. This means there is a case to be made that the bull market can continue longer.
Without further ado, let's take a look at some of the stocks downgraded to Strong Sells in the POWR Ratings: Hawaiian Holdings (HA), Luokung Technology (LKCO), Remark Media (MARK), and Snap (SNAP).