Some market gurus are forecasting a downturn in the months ahead. Whether or not that happens, it's always good to make sure you avoid stocks that have the potential for losses. That's why you should avoid stocks like Cinedigm (NASDAQ:CIDM), MongoDB (NASDAQ:MDB), and Phreesia (NYSE:PHR), which were recently downgraded by our POWR Ratings system.Now that some stock market gurus, such as Kevin O'Leary, warn of a potentially significant market decline, it is time to reassess your positions and make sure you're not buying bad stocks. There is a good argument to be made that the market is overvalued, mainly due to government stimulus dollars that turned out to be less necessary than initially assumed.
The best way to avoid bad stocks is through our proprietary POWR Ratings systems, which evaluate stocks based on 118 different factors. Stocks rated a Sell or Strong Sell should definitely be avoided.
Here are three of the latest POWR Ratings downgrades: Cinedigm (CIDM), MongoDB (MDB), and Phreesia (PHR) and why you should avoid them.