The demand for internet services is rising globally, with organizations focusing on digital transformation and expanding their online platforms. Thus, the stocks of internet service companies are rebounding rapidly following an extended slump earlier this year. Internet companies J2 Global (NASDAQ:JCOM) and CarGurus (NASDAQ:CARG) possess substantial growth potential and should deliver robust returns over the long term. So, let’s review these names closely.The continuation of remote working arrangements even with the easing of COVID-19 pandemic restrictions and rapid tech integration in virtually all spheres as part of a fourth industrial revolution, are driving the demand for interest services.
Most companies invested in digital assets to stay operational amid the pandemic-driven economic slowdown, and educational institutions had to depend solely on online platforms for teacher-student interaction. In fact, even the trading of cars has seen much increased transactional activity on online platforms. And OpenVault Broadband Insights (OVBI) reported an increase of 51% in broadband traffic in 2020 owing primarily to remote learning and remote work.
The demand for internet services is rising significantly with several organizations redesigning their operational structures to increase their efficiencies. Thus, we thinkinternet stocks J2 Global, Inc. (JCOM) and CarGurus, Inc. (CARG) are poised to gain substantially over the long run.