Insider buying and selling activities are important for investors to pay attention to. While insiders sell for many reasons, including taxes, it doesn’t always send the right message to investors when the top person is selling. On the opposite side, insiders buy for one reason – because they feel the stock is too cheap, although that doesn’t necessarily mean they are right. On either side of the trade, it is always important to pay attention to the action, especially from the top brass.
Below we highlighted two insider sells and one insider buy from today:
Tesla (TSLA) SVP/Powertrain, Drew Baglino, filed 144 paperwork to sell 10,500 shares (acquired via stock option exercise) worth an estimated $3 million.
Check Point Software Technology (CHKP) VP of Products, Dorit Dor, filed 144 paperwork to sell 49,998 shares (acquired via employee stock option plan), worth an estimated $5.6 million.
Rocket Companies (RKT) CEO, Jay Farner, who has been a steady buyer of the company’s stock for the past several months, disclosed he acquired 88,600 shares from September 26 – September 28 at $6.65-$6.94.
By Davit Kirakosyan