(Reuters) - Hackers stole $2.3 million from a Wisconsin Republican Party account that was being used to help reelect U.S. President Donald Trump in the swing state, the Associated Press reported https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-donald-trump-wisconsin-archive-elections-641a8174e51077703888e2fa89070e12?utm_source=Twitter&utm_medium=AP&utm_campaign=SocialFlow on Thursday.
Republican Party Chairman Andrew Hitt told the AP that the party noticed the suspicious activity on Oct. 22 and contacted the FBI on Friday.
The news agency quoted him as saying that hackers altered invoices so that payments earmarked for vendors went to the hackers instead.
Several messages left with Hitt and other members of the Wisconsin Republican Party leadership were not immediately returned.
There was no immediate response to an email seeking comment from the FBI.
Trump won Wisconsin by a small margin in 2016 and it remains a swing state this year, with both the president and his challenger, Democratic candidate Joe Biden, making strenuous efforts to rally supporters there.
Reuters/Ipsos polling from Oct. 20-26 shows Biden with a solid lead over Trump, 53%-44%, in the state.