WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama has invited Pakistan's prime minister, Nawaz Sharif, for a meeting at the White House on Oct. 22, the U.S. National Security Council said on Sunday.
The invitation came during a visit to Islamabad on Saturday and Sunday by National Security Adviser Susan Rice to meet with Sharif and senior officials, the NSC said in a statement.
"Ambassador Rice commended Pakistan's support for recent talks between the Afghan government and the Taliban, underscored the U.S. commitment to an Afghan-led peace process, and urged Pakistan to intensify its efforts to counter terrorist sanctuaries inside its borders in order to promote regional peace and stability," the NSC said.
A senior U.S. official said on Saturday that the meeting was intended to "advance our mutual interests and address areas of concern, particularly terrorist and militant attacks emanating from Pakistani soil."
Rice also met with civil society leaders and "...commended their work in support of human rights, development, and civil liberties in Pakistan and affirmed continued strong U.S. support for their invaluable efforts," the NSC statement said.