May 17 (Reuters) - Kenya's central bank said that its usable official foreign exchange reserves dipped to $3.32 billion last week from $3.34 billion the previous week.
Here are figures from its latest weekly bulletin: OFFICIAL USABLE FOREX RESERVES LAST WEEK PREVIOUS WEEK (Billions of dollars) 3.32 3.34 (Months of import cover) 3.51 3.53 GROSS DOMESTIC DEBT (Billions of shillings) 650.0 653.6 REVERSE REPOS (billions of shillings) INJECTED 25.4 17.6 MATURED 19.6 24.4 AVERAGE INTERBANK RATE (PCT) 2.65 2.61 182-DAY TBILL CUT-OFF RATE 4.599 4.950 For the bank's website, click on: (Reporting by George Obulutsa; editing by Kazunori Takada and Neil Fullick)