BRUSSELS, Oct 22 (Reuters) - The EU will act against any country that denies it access to scarce raw materials or energy resources it needs for growth, according to a draft document setting out its 10-year trade agenda.
Such aims could ratchet up tension with China and Russia.
Here are some of the policy goals contained in a draft of the EU's 2020 trade strategy, set to be unveiled by EU trade chief Karel De Gucht next month, and obtained by Reuters.
* Complete Doha round of trade talks at the World Trade Organization in 2011.
* Press on with free-trade talks with India, Canada, Singapore, Indonesia, Mercosur bloc; launch new trade negotiations with Southeast Asian countries in ASEAN bloc; start separate investment talks with key partners such as China.
* Pursue closer ties with United States, Japan, China and Russia.
* Push for tariff cuts for environmental goods and services; push for continued tariff moratorium on electronic goods.
* Pursue innovative production; boost funds to retrain low-skilled European Union workers, also focusing on farmers.
* Create a legal instrument to secure access to lucrative public works contracts abroad.
* Monitor trade barriers and restrictions to rare commodity exports by foreign powers. Produce, from 2011 onwards, an annual report as a key instrument to monitor trade barriers and protectionist measures and trigger appropriate enforcement action.
* Launch policy debate linking trade and development goals.
* Start reform of trade preference regime for developing countries, known as Generalised System of Preferences.
* Find EU-wide agreement on how to phase out some 1,200 bilateral investment treaties between EU member countries and foreign states, and replace them with a pan-EU equivalent.
* Launch debate in EU on how to increase flow of trade in goods and services, both within the EU and with other countries. (Reporting by Juliane von Reppert-Bismarck; editing by Rex Merrifield)