Zambesi Gold has unveiled its token, dubbed ZGD. Following the launch of the token, Zambesi Gold ”boastfully claim’ that if bitcoin and gold had a baby, it would be ZGD. The mining firm that specializes in the development of selected mineral assets and operations of producing gold, terms the coin as an asset that is backed by real gold, real people and real mining operations.
The Zambesi team launched the first phase of their ICO pre-sale on January 14, 2022, allocating 60 million tokens at a price of $0.10 for a limited time.
Phase two of the coin offering started on February 14, 2022. The second phase concludes on March 14, only concluding ICO on the listing date. Zambesi has an initial sale at $0,20 from March 14 to April 14 and then initial sale phase 2 at $0,25 from April 14 and listing on May 12.
The project ecosystem channels the majority of investments toward funding Zambesi Gold (Pty) Ltd gold plant acquisitions and other mining operations. ZGD is backed by the real gold mined from various mi ...