- OpenSea is not planning for an IPO event time soon, according to CFO Brian Roberts.
- He made this statement to clarify the assertion that OpenSea marketplace intends plans for possible IPO.
After facing criticisms from the NFT community of its alleged “inaccurately IPO report” OpenSea’s CFO Brian Roberts has responded that they have no plans for a possible IPO event.
The response follows his strongly backlashed statement that said “it would be foolish not to think about going public.” In fact, his statement triggered lots of commotion and misunderstanding among OpenSea’s NFT community. He cleared the air regarding the rumor about them going public,
Let me saet the record straight: there is a big gap between thinking about what an IPO might eventually look like & actively planning one. We are not planning an IPO, and if we ever did, we would look to involve the community.
In another sense, the community members think that doing public listing will proactively sell out the OpenSea marketplace to large institutional investors, which will not necessarily drive better outcomes for them in that case.
As the entire NFT space expresses its views and opinion, the news also provoked Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) user @Punk_2070, who says that it sucks to hear that Opensea is selling out and doing an IPO.
Just another reason why I can’t wait for @Coinbase_NFT. If we are using corporate vehicles, we might as well use the one that won’t go down three times a week.
In contrast, Roberts sees the whole thing as a deliberate misunderstanding. He doesn’t blame anyone but the “inaccurate reporting on Opensea’s plans.”