- CryptoPunk #4458 sold for $132,000 to 0x76b8a6.
- CryptoPunks Bot’s official page tweeted the bid.
A pixelated picture of a male punk sold for over 48 ETH ($132,661.44) by 0x9e427e to 0x76b8a6, tweeted CryptoPunks Bot. Moreover, this is a sign of the increasing popularity of the non-fungible token (NFT) market. In other words, NFT has gained lots of steam in the past year.
Punk 4458 bought for 48 ETH ($132,661.44 USD) by 0x76b8a6 from 0x9e427e. https://t.co/24IgFf36L9 #cryptopunks #ethereum pic.twitter.com/CZ1elF3GQc— CryptoPunks Bot (@cryptopunksbot)