I'm going to try and blog more (post charts for my own amusement) about Crude Oil and Gold futures. There is plenty I don't know about these markets, but this is the beginning of my intention to follow them more closely.
The charts I'll post and the arrow indications on them should be considered "PAPER TRADES" as I do not yet trade real money, live, in these instruments. My approach to them will be very similar to the charts I post in the SPY intraday -- two time frames with an indication of the long-, intermediate- and short- term trends.
Crude Oil: (contract specifications here).
Pre-market (5-minute time frame, top indicator is the higher time frame (15-min) 3/10macd, bottom indicator is the 5-min 3/10macd). Vertical dash line is the Open and horizontal lines are untested (up until the Regular Trading Hours opening session) S/R levels:
"Open Outcry" session: Arrows indicate potential trade opportunities.
Gold: (contract specs here).
Overnight market
Regular Trading Hours: