High: 2060.00 early
Low: 2049.00 mid-morning
Last: 2053.00 down 13 handles
Total Volume: 1.4mil ESZ14 trade with 250k from Globex and 3.5k SPZ traded
Tomorrow: Motor Vehicle Sales, Stanley Fisher speaks, Gallup US ECI, Redbook, Construction Construction Spending, Lael Brainard speaks.
EC trading the 125 area
Gold 1,141.70 low, High 1220.40 , last 1211.20, down-6.9 dollars, Bonds trading 142 and the ESZ down 13 handles
ES needs to pull back – whether the ES is over bought or pulled down by the liquidation in energy stocks 2 or 3 days of down will be a good thing
Probably not over on the downside yet, look for a retest of today lows tomorrow.
Lots of data this week ending with the Friday jobs report