: The Institut de la statistique du Québec reports that Quebec’s trade deficit widened $232million in June to $1.75 billion (top chart). The value of exports was essentially flat from May, while the value of imports rose $231 million (3.3%) to $7.2 billion. Imports were up in 15 of 24 major product groups, accounting for 60% of all imports. More than 80% of the increase ($188 million) was in petroleum and coal products. In constant dollars, the trade deficit widened $263 million to $1.84 billion, with exports down $54 million (1.0%) to $5.2 billion and imports up $210 million (3.1%) to $7.0 billion. Export prices rose 1.1% and import prices rose 0.3%.
OPINION: Though volume exports were down slightly in June, volume exports for the quarter were up 7.7% from a year earlier (middle chart), close to the 8.3% rise for Canada as a whole. Thus Quebec’s volume international exports have shown some momentum over the last year. Moreover, aerospace products and parts, the largest category of Quebec exports, accounted for 40% of the gains after two excellent months in May and June. The quarterly volume trade deficit has quietly narrowed $548 million from the peak reached in the same quarter a year earlier, to $5.7 billion in Q2. Thus international trade, though subtracting somewhat from economic growth in Q2 itself, contributed, albeit slightly, to growth over the last four quarters (bottom chart).