September 13, 2012 was the American Day of Infamy and the death knell of the American Dream. The Federal Reserve announced indefinite quantitative easing, QEternity, plus a zero-interest rate environment extended through mid-2015. This is the only economic solution remaining according to some.
An economic globalization approved by the 2-party political dictatorship and funded by the Wall Street Banksters precludes a sound internal USA economic policy and structure. Yet we continue voting for the same empty promises offered by both parties over and over as if this next time will be different. Instead of a prosperous and productive USA, we borrow and print more money to prop up the casino financial system!
Therefore, the Federal Reserve will flood the world with U.S. Dollars, Congress will run budget deficits and borrow more money, interest rates will remain artificially low lest the insolvency of America be revealed, and the Fed will continue expanding the central bank balance sheet until the bluff is called. Follow along with the Fed Hail Mary as I monitor the value of selected assets in the new QE Infinity Economy.
QE Infinity Performance To-Date
Apple +4.52%, Gold +2.41%, Stocks +1.64%, Bonds +0.22%, Dollar -0.43%
QE Infinity Performance by Week
Federal Reserve Game Plan
Disclosure: I have a beneficial interest in a long position in AAPL stock.
Market values are as of the close on September 12, 2012, the day before QE Infinity was announced, and the week ended on Friday. The 5 assets reviewed are Apple (AAPL), Bonds (BND), Dollar (USDX), Gold (GLD), and Stocks (SPX).