President Trump has suffered his first setback in the past few days as a federal judge in Seattle issued an injunction against the executive order blocking entry into the United States by nationals of seven countries. The next step appears to be the Supreme Court, which will likely have to rule on whether the executive branch of government can in fact exert as much influence over immigration and national security policies.
In Europe, U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has had a rough start to parliamentary debate on adopting Article 50. An Ipsos MORI poll found that 58% of managers of large British companies say that business has been adversely impacted since the Brexit referendum.
Across the Channel, French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen officially kicked off her electoral campaign with a nationalistic tone. She says that she wants to renegotiate the agreement with the European Union regarding territorial, legal, economic and monetary issues, also hinting at the threat of a referendum. Stay tuned.
Little economic news of importance is expected today, giving us all time to recover from last night’s nail-biter Super Bowl.