NCDEX Soybean futures traded higher on account of firm overseas market as bullish USDA’s weekly exports sales report. USDA’s weekly export sales released on Friday which shows that the net weekly export sales for soybeans came in at 460,100 metric tonnes for the current marketing year and 176,300 for the next marketing year for a total of 636,400.
Meal sales came in at 33,200 metric tonnes for the current marketing year and 129,500 for the next marketing year for a total of 162,700. Oil sales came in at 2,100 tonnes, all old crop. As per the Buenos Aires Grains Exchange, the harvest is now seen at 44.0 million tonnes in the 2011/12 crop year, down from a previous estimate of 45 million tonnes.
As per China’s official data, China, the world's largest soy buyer, imported 4.83 million tonnes of soybeans in March, up 26.1 percent from 3.83 million tonnes in February. As per WASDE, global oilseed production for 2011/12 is projected at 440.6 million tons, down 5.2 million from last month. Brazil soybean production is forecast at 66 million tons, down 2.5 million from last month as warm temperatures continue.
Global soybean ending stocks are projected at 55.5 million tons, down 1.8 million from last month, and down 13.6 million tons from last year.