The assumed pair return to key supports was confirmed but short-term protective level breakout was not favorable for sustained realization of the pre-planned buying positions. At the moment with activity level of both parties decrease we presume the possibility of range rate movement without definiteness in the choice of planning priorities for today. Hence considering the ascending direction of indicator chart we assume the possibility of close resistance levels attainment limited by the bottom of Ichimoku cloud at 1.3500/20, where it is recommended to evaluate the activity development of both parties according to the charts of shorter time interval. For short-term sells on condition of formation of topping signals the targets will be 1.3440/60, 1.3360/80 and/or further breakout variant below 1.3340 with targets 1.3280/1.3300, 1.3220/40. An alternative for buyers will be above 1.3560 with targets 1.3600/20, 1.3660/80, 1.3720/40, 1.3780/1.3800.