Mentha oil witnessed as very volatile session on Tuesday. After falling to a low of 2296 in the futures, the prices bounced back hitting the 3% circuit breaker towards the end of the trading session. The spot as well as the futures settled 0.14% and 2.82% respectively on account of short covering as well as fresh buying seen at lower levels.
Total Special Cash margin of 25% on the long side has been imposed on all contracts of Mentha oil from March 9, 2012.
Production, Arrivals And Exports
According to market sources, sowing of Mentha in Western UP is expected to increase by 30% as compared to last year, while sowing in all regions is expected to increase by 20%.
Arrivals in entire UP stand around 130 drums (1drum – 180 kgs) daily.
Exports of Mentha during April 2011 to January 2012 witnessed a decline of 6% to 12,850 tonnes as compared to 13,550 tonnes in the same period last year.