The odds of a double rate cut in September plunged from 40% recently to 31% last week then to 0% today.
Bond Market Screaming for Cuts

Yield Synopsis
Effectively, the bond market is screaming for fast, deep cuts. Yet the CME Fedwatch chart shows that traders have thrown in the towel on big, fast cuts.
What Happened?
The Fed effectively jawboned expectations of cuts lower.
Lot More Going On
Negative Rates Damage Banks
Screwing Up the Economy
Wolf Richter explains How Negative Interest Rates Screw Up the Economy.
Divided Fed
The New York Times reports Fed Was Divided About Interest Rate Cut
Federal Reserve officials were sharply divided when they voted to cut interest rates for the first time in a decade in late July, newly released minutes from their meeting show.
Notes from the gathering, released Wednesday, show that “a couple” of participants at the meeting — not all of whom get to vote on monetary policy — would have preferred a half-point cut in the federal funds rate to shore up inflation.
But “several” wanted to hold rates steady, noting a strong job market and low unemployment. Two Fed officials voted against the decision to cut.
What's Going On Follow Up
Let's return to Randy Woodward's observation "I think there's a lot more going on than just rate hikes. Sooner or later he's going to make it clear he wants to have the ability to go negative."
I agree wholeheartedly with Woodward's first sentence. The second sentence is debatable.
The Fed is in many ways clueless. They will never see themselves as being any part of the problem.
But But But
Please note the policy difference between the Fed and the ECB.
- The Fed paid interest on excess reserves, thereby bailing out US banks slowly over time.
- The ECB with negative interest rates further crushed European banks
I have commented on that aspect many times.
Wolf Richter and Daniel Lacalle made similar observations.
Compared to the ECB the Fed Isn't Clueless
No matter how one slices things, the Fed's actions have been less damaging than the ECB's.
The Fed cannot come out and blame the ECB for stupidity, but it can attempt to jawbone expectations of big cuts lower, even as the ECB is touting more and more intervention.
What good did negative interest rates do for either Japan or the ECB?
Reflections on Errors
It's easier to spot the errors of others than the errors you make.
It's possible that at least some Fed members see the damage of the ECB's actions.
If so, the correct Fed response is "baby steps".
With a bit of poetic license, I have a musical tribute.
Baby Steps, You Make Those Cutest Little Baby Steps
Hussman Gets the Picture
Making Sense of It All
Hussman's Tweet provides is a short synopsis of the idea I presented in detail in Making Sense of 100-Yr Bonds yielding 0% and 30-Yr Bonds With Negative Yield.
Without central bank manipulation fraud, negative interest interest rates wouldn't happen.
Perhaps I am giving credit where none is due. But perhaps some Fed members see the damage that negative rates cause even if they cannot explicitly say so.