Wednesday’s forecasts had a bit of a turmoil, about two pairs behaved close to what was thought possible, others punched through our blue zones and some pairs didn’t have the strength. We did think that a mixed stance on these pairs would be the best option. For the moment we still seem to be getting poised for a big move ahead but it is hard to read the direction the markets may pick. Today I am going to lean towards a strong US Dollar while Japanese Yen could weaken. Adding a hedged pair to offset the trading risk. Happy trading everyone!!
Forecasts Outlook
US Dollar: Strong
Today we're expecting the EUR/USD to proceed Short below the barrier levels of 1.32346 and 1.32054.
Fundamental Watch
- Spanish Unemployment Rate
- German Ifo Business Climate
- M3 Money Supply y/y
- Private Loans y/y
- Prelim GDP q/q
- Index of Services 3m/3m
- Core Durable Goods Orders m/m
- Unemployment Claims
- Durable Goods Orders m/m
- Treasury Sec Lew Speaks
- Belgium NBB Business Climate
- Natural Gas Storage
- Tokyo Core CPI y/y
- National Core CPI y/y