Stocks and ETFs rose slightly yesterday after the ADP unemployment report indicated an increase of 126,000 jobs added to the private sector in September, while yesterday’s ISM Non-Manufacturing Index Report also indicated improvement.
Major index ETFs rose slightly, with the S&P 500 ETF (NYSEARCA:SPY) rising roughly half a percent and the Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF (NYSEARCA:DIA) rising a little more than one tenth of a percent. The NASDAQ ETF (NYSEARCA:QQQ) added .44%, while the Russell 2000 ETF (NYSEARCA:IWM) was yesterday’s only loser with a three tenths of a percent decrease.
One would think that yesterday’s positive economic reports would have a greater impact on stocks and ETFs, even with mixed news from Europe and Japan and last night’s Presidential debate. All in all, it appears investors are still waiting for a line to be drawn in the sand and a direction to go from here. Who draws that line (Bernanke, Draghi, or a President) is anyone’s guess at this point now.
Bottom Line: Yesteroday’s positive economic reports did not phase stocks too much, so perhaps investors are awaiting a bigger push.
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