Those that view the message of the market on daily basis are likely confused by trading noise. While trading noise contributes to the long-term trends, it does not define them. Human behavior tries to explain trading noise as a meaningful trend. This confuses the majority which, in turn, contributes to their role as bag-holders of trend transitions.
Cotton's extremely high DI warrants attention. DI = 97% (100% Max) defines dominant accumulation and distribution from commercial and retail traders (see Matrix). I would not feel comfortable being short cotton under this setup despite its double down alignment; double down alignment is not particularly strong.
Experience trader, however, would only nibble this setup, because as 2011-21013 and 2017-present have shown us, accumulation cups can fail. They usually don't fail more than once, so we're watching. Cotton generally follows the economy within its own supply/demand setup. The EAC, contrary to all the hand waving, tells us the global economy is slowing. The US hides a lot of this weakness because of the strong defensive capital flow from periphery economies. If confidence turns down, the economy will weaken further. This will put pressure on cotton unless there's mass weather related crop failure.