The economy is growing more slowly than anticipated.
For 2012: forecast real GDP growth is 0.9%.
For 2013: forecast real GDP growth is 1.5%.
For 2012-2013, the government is maintaining the budget deficit objective of $1.5 billion set last March.
This amount excludes the $1.8-billion accounting impact arising from Hydro-Québec’s extraordinary loss for the closure of the Gentilly-2 nuclear generating station.
Fiscal balance will be achieved in 2013-2014 and will be maintained thereafter.
Program spending growth will average 1.8% from 2012-2013 to 2013-2014, i.e. a level below the annual average of 5.6% from 2005-2006 to 2009-2010.
By way of comparison, program spending grew by 3.0% in 2010-2011 and 2.5% in 2011-2012.
A new 10-year tax holiday for large investment projects, the tax holiday for investments, the THI, will be implemented.
In addition, the tax credit for investments is extended until 2017.
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