Netflix Inc. (O:NFLX) has had an incredible time in the market as of late. With the massive gains we've seen on the stock throughout the past year, investors are starting to ask, “Can the massive gains continue?” In my opinion, the answer is yes! Today, we'll talk about why NFLX is likely to continue in the upward direction.
Netflix Owns Streaming Content
Netflix has built an incredible brand for itself. While companies like (O:AMZN) have tried, and been somewhat successful, I can't think of another company that has been so successful when it comes to streaming premium content like TV shows and movies. In fact, I can remember a few years ago reading personal finance blogs that would talk about the high cost of cable and how NFLX was a great way to get around that cost. Since then, the company's brand has grown stronger and strong, and it doesn't seem as though that growth is going to stop.
Consumer Habits Are Changing
The only thing that seems to be consistent in life is change! No matter what we talk about, something about it is going to change over time. With that said, consumer habits with regard to the way they digest content is changing in a big way. Younger consumers are looking away from traditional cable options and looking to options like NFLX. Ultimately, consumers are starting to realize that traditional cable is expensive and far less convenient than streaming video. As a result, we're seeing a big push to streaming premium video, an industry that Netflix seems to have a stronghold on!
The Bottom Line
The bottom line here is that NFLX is an incredible company that came into the streaming video service industry at ground zero. The company has helped to build what we know today as the streaming video industry and is enjoying the fruits of their labor as a result. Ultimately, there's no reason to expect to see declines any time soon.
NFLX Analysis
Out of 25 analysts covering Netflix, 20 rate it "Buy", 0 "Sell", while 5 "Hold". This means 80% are positive. $175 is the highest target while $72 is the lowest. The $132.72 average target is 0.86% above today's ($131.59) stock price. Netflix was the topic in 36 analyst reports since August 4, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Topeka Capital Markets maintained the stock on November 16 with "Buy" rating. BMO Capital Markets initiated it with "Market Perform" rating and $115 target price in an October 9 report. Oppenheimer maintained the shares of NFLX in a report on October 15 with "Outperform" rating. Vetr upgraded the firm's rating on September 1. Vetr has "Hold" rating and $122.24 price target. Finally, JP Morgan maintained the stock with "Overweight" rating in an October 15 report.
The institutional sentiment increased to 1.25 in Q2 2015. Its up 0.10, from 1.15 in 2015Q1. The ratio improved, as 54 funds sold all Netflix, Inc. shares owned while 178 reduced positions. 109 funds bought stakes while 182 increased positions. They now own 54.12 million shares or 35.64% less from 84.09 million shares in 2015Q1.
Technology Crossover Management Vii Ltd. holds 40.06% of its portfolio in Netflix, Inc. for 1.01 million shares. Srs Investment Management Llc owns 1.46 million shares or 28.81% of their US portfolio. Moreover, Barton Investment Management has 27.36% invested in the company for 117,690 shares. The New York-based Teewinot Capital Advisers L.L.C. has invested 21.96% in the stock. Tiger Global Management Llc, a New York-based fund reported 2.57 million shares.
Since February 25, 2015, the stock had 0 buys, and 27 sales for $102.38 million net activity. Barton Richard N sold 2,800 shares worth $281,260. Hastings Reed sold 86,037 shares worth $8.68 million. Battle A George sold 49,000 shares worth $5.29 million. Cranz Tawni sold 1,512 shares worth $190,179. The insider Peters Gregory K sold 6,545 shares worth $841,491.
Netflix, Inc. is a provider of Internet television network. The company has a market cap of $55.57 billion. The Firm has over 57 million streaming members in over 50 countries. It has 350.9 P/E ratio. The company's members can watch more than two billion hours of television shows and movies per month, including original series, documentaries and feature films on Internet-connected screen.