HIGH: 2265.75 Early
LOW: 2258.25
LAST: 2263.50 UP 3 Ticks
TOTAL VOLUME: 870k minis with 140k from Globex
Weekly Bill Settlement, Housing Starts, Jobless Claims, Philadelphia Fed Business Outlook Survey, Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index, John C. Williams Speaks, EIA Natural Gas Report, EIA Petroleum Status Report, a 3-Month Bill Announcement, a 6-Month Bill Announcement, a 2-Yr FRN Note Announcement, a 2-Yr Note Announcement, a 5-Yr Note Announcement, a 7-Yr Note Announcement, a 10-Yr TIPS Auction, Fed Balance Sheet, Money Supply, and Janet Yellen Speaks.
Bullish sentiment is at an 18 month high right now.
I think a lot of traders are still on vacation right now.
How are the markets going to react after Trump takes the big seat?