Based on preliminary Census Bureau data, the American Iron and Steel Institute reported recently that the US imported a total of 2,351,000 net tons of steel in November 2015.
This includes 1,921,000 nt of finished steel (down 22.7% and 15.6%, respectively, vs. October final data).
November steel imports compared with November 2014. Source: AISI.
On the year-to-date —through eleven months of 2015 — total and finished steel imports were 36,294,000 and 29,375,000 nt, respectively, down 11% and 5% respectively, vs. the same period in 2014. Annualized total and finished steel imports in 2015 would be 39.6 and 32 million nt, down 11% and 5% respectively vs. 2014. Finished steel import market share was an estimated at 25% in November and is estimated at 29% on the year-to-date.
Key finished steel products with a significant import increase in November compared to October are cut length plates (up 42%) and oil country tubular goods (up 12%). Major products with significant year-to-date import increases vs. the same period last year include reinforcing bar (up 39%), standard pipe (up 18%), line pipe (up 17%) and wire drawn (up 11%).