Our "Magnificent Retirement Mutual Funds" list includes some of the best managed and best performing funds around. If you're already invested in these, congratulations! But if you're just now discovering them, don't worry. When it comes to your retirement, it's never too late to start investing in the best.
The easiest, most reliable way to judge a mutual fund's quality over time is by analyzing its performance, diversification, and fees. Our Zacks Rank covers over 19,000 mutual funds has helped us identify three outstanding options that are perfect for any long-term investors' portfolios that is retirement-focused.
Let's take a look at some of the highest Zacks Ranked mutual funds with the lowest fees.
Oppenheimer Gold & Special Mineral Y (OGMYX): 0.92% expense ratio and 0.68% management fee. Sector - Precious Metal funds like OGMYX normally invest in stocks focused on the mining and production of precious metals such as gold, silver, platinum, and palladium. With annual returns of 11.5% over the last five years, this fund is a winner.
TIAA-CREF Socl Choice Equity Retail (TICRX) is a stand out amongst its peers. TICRX is a Large Cap Blend fund, targeting companies with market caps of over $10 billion. These funds offer investors a stability, and are perfect for people with a "buy and hold" mindset. With five-year annualized performance of 10.41%, expense ratio of 0.45% and management fee of 0.15%, this diversified fund is an attractive buy with a strong history of performance.
AB Discovery Growth K (CHCKX) is an attractive large-cap allocation. CHCKX is a Mid Cap Growth mutual fund. These mutual funds choose companies with a stock market valuation between $2 billion and $10 billion. CHCKX has an expense ratio of 1.08%, management fee of 0.61%, and annual returns of 11.26% over the past five years.
There you have it. If your financial advisor had you put your money into any of our "Magnificent Retirement Mutual Funds," then they've got you covered. If not, you may need to talk.
Do You Know the Top 9 Retirement Investing Mistakes?
Investing in underperforming mutual funds is just one of the key errors that can derail your retirement plans.
To learn more, read our just-released report: 9 Retirement Mistakes You Need to Avoid.
This report can help you sidestep these costly mistakes and potentially achieve your retirement goals. Get Your FREE Guide Now
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