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Cryptocurrency Opinion & Analysis

Bitcoin: Possibly Going Down All The Same By  - Dec 06, 2017

The planned launch of Bitcoin futures at CME Group Inc. (NASDAQ:CME), Cboe Global Markets Inc. and Nasdaq Inc. can become the latest milestone in the history of cryptocurrencies. The hedge funds which...

Mati Greenspan
Bitcoin Party On Wall Street By Mati Greenspan - Dec 06, 2017 1

Looks like a lot more people may be reading these updates than I thought. Two days ago we spoke about crypto-kitties and then it got so popular it slowed down the Ethereum Network. Yesterday we showed...

Louis Basenese
Bitcoin: A Clever New Pyramid Scheme? By Louis Basenese - Dec 06, 2017 1

As Bitcoin pushes north of $11,000, bubble talk continues to pervade.Yesterday, I urged you to treat such chatter as noise. Today, let’s get specific. The loudest Bitcoin detraction I’m...

Keith Fitz-Gerald
How To Buy Bitcoin Without Buying Bitcoin By Keith Fitz-Gerald - Dec 06, 2017

Bitcoin has captured the imagination of millions of investors hoping to cash in on the seemingly instant riches it's creating. You can't go anywhere without somebody talking about how much money...

Regulatory Challenges Posed By Crypto Funds By AllAboutAlpha - Dec 06, 2017

A forthcoming paper in the Stanford Journal of Law, Business, and Finance looks at the cryptocurrency markets (Bitcoin and its kin), the hedge funds that look to make money from them and the...

Callum Thomas
5 Charts Put The Rise Of Bitcoin In Perspective By Callum Thomas - Dec 06, 2017

Whether it's a bubble, or viral adoption, or something else, I think most would agree that the rise of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general has been simply astonishing. There is very little...

Steve Saville
State-Sponsored Cryptocurrencies Revisited By Steve Saville - Dec 05, 2017

In a blog post earlier this week I briefly argued that “government-controlled cryptocurrency” was a contradiction in terms. It depends on what is meant by “cryptocurrency”, but...

Louis Basenese
Bitcoin Goes Mainstream On Dec. 18 By Louis Basenese - Dec 05, 2017

Sooner or later, mainstream interest in Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies was bound to explode.What amazes me is how quickly awareness changed from ignorance and hatred to adoration and unbridled...

Abkhazia: Counting On A Cryptocurrency By ValueWalk - Dec 05, 2017

Breakaway Abkhazia plans to launch its own cryptocurrency in a bid to avoid potential sanctions and attract international investment, according to the territory’s de facto economy minister,...

Vitaliy Katsenelson
Bitcoin: Millennials' Fake Gold By Vitaliy Katsenelson - Dec 05, 2017 44

I’ve been asked about Bitcoin a lot lately. I haven’t written anything about it because I find myself in an uncomfortable place in agreeing with the mainstream media: It’s a bubble....

Ashraf Laidi
Brexit Bringdown, RBA Next By Ashraf Laidi - Dec 05, 2017

Ireland is a fresh thorn in the side of Theresa May as she attempts to score a Brexit victory. The Canadian dollar was the top performer while the Swiss franc lagged. The RBA decision is up...

Marc Chandler
Petro: Venezuela's Fiat Cryptocurrency By Marc Chandler - Dec 04, 2017 4

While investors are musing about the final form the US tax changes and the Brexit negotiations, cyber-currency interest has been bolstered by Venezuela's announcement over the weekend. President...

Steve Saville
Are State-Sponsored Cryptocurrencies On The Way? By Steve Saville - Dec 04, 2017

The theme of a recent report from Casey Research was that the Russian government is planning to issue its own cryptocurrency (the “CryptoRuble”) that would be created, tracked and held on...

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